Bryan Klein

Founder & CEO of THE MAX Challenge

Why settle when you can live life to
the max?

Every day, newspapers, TV shows and magazines broadcast the state of American health. All the experts tell us that, “This is the first generation that is expected to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.”

It’s not a specific school or degree that made me so knowledgeable; it’s the fact that I’ve lived through gaining weight and losing weight and discovered how the combination of proper exercise, nutrition, and motivation can lead to lasting results in appearance, fitness, and overall health. Now that I am in the best shape of my life, I realize that I no longer have to settle for mediocrity.

Excellence is not something that is reserved for the elite few. Excellence is something that is within the grasp of all of us and I have made it my life’s mission to help others achieve their own personal best! I created THE MAX Challenge to transform minds, bodies, and spirits in just 10 weeks and to inspire everyone to NOT settle for mediocrity. You can reach every single one of those personal health, fitness, and wellness goals that you may have previously considered out of reach.

THE MAX Challenge is a complete 10-Week body renewal system that combines fitness classes, nutritional guidance, and (probably most important) motivation into one easy-to- follow program. We have had tens of thousands of people participate throughout the country and the results have been amazing. People have made quick and lasting changes to their health and fitness that has led to amazing feedback. We’re excited to continue to bring this program to new communities and we look forward to improving lives throughout the country and the world.

To The Max!

Available Now on Amazon

Written by THE MAX Challenge founder and CEO, Bryan Klein, To THE MAX is the inspirational story behind the 10-week program. With tips from Bryan about achieving success and workbook sections to track your progress, To THE MAX is one more tool to help you transform your mind, body, and spirit.

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